About us - Harmonizing Beauty and Performance

Our ethos? To merge aesthetic elegance with peak performance, challenging the commonplace with every creation.

Defying the constraints of conventional web design, Mintleaf emerges as an oasis in the desert of digital sameness. We are the vanguards of creativity, transforming the ordinary into extraordinary, ensuring every project—be it a website or a video—radiates brilliance in the digital realm.

Delving into the realm of visual storytelling, every frame and scene is meticulously woven to craft narratives that captivate and resonate. This journey of creativity and innovation transforms your digital presence into a beacon of excellence, where each video is not just seen, but experienced.

Our values - Cherishing the journey over the destination.

United by vision, we thrive on shared principles.

  • Efficiency. Savor the seconds, for time is the ultimate luxury. We worship at the altar of efficiency, turning the sand in the hourglass into digital gold. Our highest calling? To gift you back moments, so every tick echoes with purpose.
  • Distinctiveness. In the chorus of the conventional, our voice carves out the new, the novel, the now. We're a bastion for the bold, a haven for the original. Creativity isn't just embraced—it's our essence.
  • Humanity. At the heart of every pixel, every frame, is the pulse of human connection. We craft not just with minds, but with hearts, guided by the wisdom that in the end, it's the feeling we leave behind that truly endures.


  • Frankie Perullo

    Principal and Creative Lead

  • Timothy Rocha

    Principal and Lead Producer

From the blog

It's where our thoughts on the ever-evolving digital landscape come to play, aiming not just to inform but to inspire. Join us as we dissect trends, share tips, and occasionally muse on the quirks of the digital world.

Lights, Camera, Impact: Empowering Nonprofits Through Video

This is a sample summary

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Our offices

  • Portsmouth
    159 Middle Street, Suite 2B
    Portsmouth, New Hampshire